Thelma Fardin is an actress and part of the federal collective of Argentine actresses. Starting from the fight and debate that in 2018 was held to ask for safe and free legal abortion in Argentina, the Argentinian actress collective was consolidated, a federal network of women who work in cinema, theater and television who, after numerous assemblies were able to report gender violence that exists in that labor circuit, a situation that is also repeated in many other countries. Thelma Fardin was accompanied by the collective in her complaint for rape while she was working on the TV show 'Patito Feo' against the popular actor Juan Darthes. who, right after the complaint, escaped from the country to Sao Paulo, Brasil. On Oct, 2019 Thelma travelled to Nicaragua, where the violence happened, to report and The Managua Prosecutor's Office formalized the complaint and issued a capture request for the actor who is living in San Pablo with his wife.
Here the video in which Thelma reported the violence she suffered from Juan Darthes:
A little excerpt from the interview to Thelma about the cost of break the silence and the "Actrices Argentinas" collective: