The story of Rosalia
Rosalia, originally from the province of Misiones in northern Argentina, was kidnapped at 16 and was imprisoned in the women trafficking network for almost 20 years, forced into prostitution in various Argentine cities, raped up to 20 times a day. She has a daughter and son born as consequences of rapes in the brothels. They live with her mother in Misiones.. Her mother doesn't know what is happened to her. During the period she lived into the brothels She has seen various women who disappeared in this traffic and killed by narcos die right in front of her eyes. Rosalia was detained in a brothel in Buenos Aires when she planned to escape together from that place on september,2019. For a period she was hosted from Margarita Meira's soup kitchen in Buenos Aires and took part to the Madres Victimas de Trata's activities together with her girlfriend Mari, Bolivian who has a child born from a relationship with a Colombian guy who is now living with her mother in Bolivia. Currently they live together in a secret place of the city because they are in great danger till the trial having denounced Rosy's pimps.
She no longer has anything cause they left everything behind at the moment to escape.
"Rain is life, it reminds me my country and feel me alive".